الله أكبر أجمل خبر من الصحف الأجنبية اليوم .. مقتل 40 علج . (لا تفوتك الصورة )
الله أكبر .. تصديقاً لبيانات إخواننا المجاهدين الصحف الغربية تؤكد مقتل(40 ) أربعون علج في عمليتين إستهاديتين يوم السبت وجرح (80 ) ثمانون .
Al-Qaeda in the Land of the Two Rivers carried out multiple martyrdom attacks on Saturday that resulted in heavy US casualties, with more than 40 Americans reported killed.
A lion from the Martyrdom Seekers Brigade, drove his explosive-laden vehicle on Saturday, 20 Rabie Al-Thani (May 28, 2005), towards an American camp, west of Mosul. He detonated his vehicle at the entrance to the first of several check points. The explosion killed all soldiers at that check point and left a hole in the wall, big enough for the second martyrdom operation.
Your honored brother (the second martyr), drove a water truck into the camp through the hole that was caused by the first explosion, except that the truck was full of explosives instead of water. As he arrived inside the camp many cross worshippers came to welcome the brave water delivery driver, but at that very same moment, your brother pushed the buttons and more than 40 cross worshippers fell dead, and more than 80 were wounded.

German hospital copes with heavy flow of wounded
Successful martyrdom operations west of Mosul
In the cargo hold of a C-17 aircraft, soldiers treated at the Air Force Theater Hospital at Balad
Air Base, north of Baghdad, await evacuation to a military hospital in Landstuhl, Germany
جرحى علوج على الطائرة الأمريكية سي 17 ينقلون من العراق إلى ألمانيا
المستشفيات الألمانية امتلأت بالجرحى العلوج من جراء عملية الموصل الاستشهادية الناجحة للمجاهدين
الله أكبر .. تصديقاً لبيانات إخواننا المجاهدين الصحف الغربية تؤكد مقتل(40 ) أربعون علج في عمليتين إستهاديتين يوم السبت وجرح (80 ) ثمانون .
Al-Qaeda in the Land of the Two Rivers carried out multiple martyrdom attacks on Saturday that resulted in heavy US casualties, with more than 40 Americans reported killed.
A lion from the Martyrdom Seekers Brigade, drove his explosive-laden vehicle on Saturday, 20 Rabie Al-Thani (May 28, 2005), towards an American camp, west of Mosul. He detonated his vehicle at the entrance to the first of several check points. The explosion killed all soldiers at that check point and left a hole in the wall, big enough for the second martyrdom operation.
Your honored brother (the second martyr), drove a water truck into the camp through the hole that was caused by the first explosion, except that the truck was full of explosives instead of water. As he arrived inside the camp many cross worshippers came to welcome the brave water delivery driver, but at that very same moment, your brother pushed the buttons and more than 40 cross worshippers fell dead, and more than 80 were wounded.

German hospital copes with heavy flow of wounded
Successful martyrdom operations west of Mosul
In the cargo hold of a C-17 aircraft, soldiers treated at the Air Force Theater Hospital at Balad
Air Base, north of Baghdad, await evacuation to a military hospital in Landstuhl, Germany
جرحى علوج على الطائرة الأمريكية سي 17 ينقلون من العراق إلى ألمانيا
المستشفيات الألمانية امتلأت بالجرحى العلوج من جراء عملية الموصل الاستشهادية الناجحة للمجاهدين